Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Soft Sweet Thoughts (An open letter)

Dear sweetie,

Seldom am I able to tell you how grateful I am for you being around; probably I never had. Now I hope that through this letter, I’ll be able to do so.

I am guilty of having taken you for granted during the early times when you just came in to my life but believe me, I did not mean to. It’s just that maybe, it took me quite a while to realize your worth. I am sorry for that and yet I am grateful you never left me despite my insensitivity.

My busy life restricts us to be together most of the time but no matter how late I return, you would always patiently wait for me. Even if I still have to do a lot of things when at home, you would just lie beside me and stay up until I finish my task. You don’t actually have to do that but you insist that it’s your only way to show me support while I bury my nose on my books or homework.

You have been a good friend more than simply a companion to me. Even without words, your mere presence is a great relief when I am sad or lonely. You shared me yourself to cry on and you don’t mind getting damp with tears.

My actions or words may sometimes conceal my feelings making you think that perhaps I ignore your efforts but I do know that you express your love to me mainly by providing me comfort. You would always offer me rest whenever I’m exhausted. Moreover when I am sick, you stay by my side all the time. Your dedication is invaluable.

You’re always there when all my other friends seem to be too busy with some things and for a long time haven’t dropped me a ‘hi’. Such may be a reason for you to be jealous because I desire someone else’s attention while you were there for me all the time yet you never made a big deal out of it.

You always keep me warm and make sure I have sound sleep at nights. It seems you find simple pleasure in watching me sleep peacefully and I must say that that is sweet of you.

I feel guilty though that I could not reciprocate all these. I confess there were few times that I had not been loyal to you. I simply can’t have you along and I gave in to others. I am sorry. With all your kindness, I know you deserve better things. I’m sorry I cannot afford a bigger room for us neither could I keep our place tidy all the time. Everyday I would wake up and rush to start my day leaving the mess to you. And when was the last time I bought you some clothes for a gift? I cannot remember if I really did even once.

You are very patient yet I know I owe you apologies for my shortcomings. I’m always trying to be better and eventually make up for those. Thank you for never leaving me and serving me unselfishly. No matter what, I’ll always cherish snuggling beside you… my darling

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