Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Through Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”, global warming and other environmental concerns finally managed to have a share of the spotlight and a chance to convey its message. Such issues are now placed on front page adjacent to, if not the banner story itself, without always being about oil spills and aftermaths of destructive typhoons. More related features and editorials are being published almost regularly rather than appearing to be mere page fillers. The subject also led to supporting researches/studies and programs were launched to respond to its call for proactive actions.

I don’t know if it’s just due to young age that I haven’t observed then but it seemed during when El Niño and La Niña phenomena occupy the front pages in mid to late 1990’s, most Filipinos (admittedly myself included) aren’t just as attentive to these issues and had contented ourselves with pictures of cracked patches of land and heavy rains. Today, we’re more involved. Just a couple of days ago, a national newspaper featured the opening of a bird’s sanctuary in Manila as the banner story while some of our major shopping malls had allotted 3 viewing times for that famous documentary in celebration of the Earth day.

“An Inconvenient Truth” may have already been successful in picking up the ears of us earthlings but I believe that its absolute fulfillment lies on our individual motivation to sustain eager consciousness of environmental concerns. The effects we are trying to counteract are problems accrued throughout decades and it wouldn’t take several once-a-year Earth days alone to resolve these; we could take advantage of everyday to do simple preventive and corrective acts. We do not need to be seen in tree planting or clean-up drives to be considered doing something – we know ourselves, we know what needs to be done, and we know what could be done. We’ve been educated of options; conservation and carbon offsetting being the modest I could do. If I may, let me usher you to square one: are you flicking that candy wrapper/cigar just anywhere now?

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