Saturday, September 27, 2008

Horoscope Flash

Cheesy but I read horoscopes. Not that I've sworn my faith in it but its coincidence to reality amuses me. Fairly there are days when it isn't about me but today, it is. Just how much today's read struck me that I logged in Blogger to post about it @ this supposedly lunchbreak in school.


Today, you deserve a break from all the heavy analytical thinking you have been doing at work or school. Instead, step back from the arguments and issues and let everyone else deal with the headaches for a while. You've paid your dues and put your fair share of energy into the problem. This is a day when you should focus on doing some fun things -- you'll find playing with children especially rewarding, right now. There's something about their imaginative energy that will invigorate you. (Friendster)

The past weeks at work has been draining. Thankfully, schoolwork is quite cooperative and merciful since next week is sports meet so only those enlisted for the games and pep squad and the secretariats were exhausting themselves during the day thus evening (my) schedule is freed up. Otherwise I could have lost consciousness if not my sanity due to stress.

My boss was on sick leave for two weeks after an accident and wasn't completely functional yet upon returning. With due consideration to her condition, we deal with backlogs little by little. The influx of tasks however is not as considerate. So there were backlogs because much as I wanted to be the hero to save the day, I simply could not proceed without her decision and even though I'm a direct-report employee, I'm not her alter-ego that's eligible to pass through an imaginary "Authorized Employees Only" sign as far as authority with a capital A is concerned. But to talk of compassion with a capital C, I didn't contact her by any means while she was on leave to give her the rest she needed.

Ok, we're attending to those things now... To her desk I go and have her review/sign correspondences and other papers... Five down, two to go. My hopes are pulled back to earth because as she inscribes her sought-after signature, she would discuss to me other matters that just came from the manager's office and when I leave her cubicle, I have a new set of to-dos as if a redeemed gift or prize in exchange of some proof of purchase.

Coincidentally, the mother of the manager's (only) secretary succumbed to cancer last week; thank God the kind woman's suffering has ended. The secretary's granted emergency leave. But the manager would need help and this is when we put into use one of the many slashes trailing my job title: My actual appointment slash Admin Assistant.

Oh well, didn't I just defy my horoscope by posting this? Told you I don't put faith on it. I'm glad though that I did "find playing with children especially rewarding" except that it isn't "right now" but on Thursday night during the birthday of one of my instructors. Their son and I played together with his toy cars and another guest teacher congratulated me because try as she did, she can't come to terms with the kid's game and end up annoying the child.

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