Tuesday, December 22, 2009

holiday wall

To incorporate the holiday atmosphere in the workplace, I decided to decorate the two dividers by the door.

Here’s how it was done:

  1. Covered the entire dividers with scratch papers with its clean side up to hide the dull upholstery beneath.
  2. To have a clean slate with the slightest texture, 6 white crepe papers were carefully laid while securing it with thumb tacks at the back. Perhaps this is the hardest part because crepe is quite delicate.
  3. Gold trims made of plant fibre were then added to conceal where the crepe papers overlap, and served as decorative borders as well.
  4. Gift tags were then pinned randomly to the “wall”, leaving out the spaces between the trims.
  5. Finally, our best photos which had been pasted on cardboard and cut in circles were pinned to the remaining blank portions to greet everyone who enters the room, “Happy Holidays!”

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