Friday, February 13, 2009

a recollection

I was again caught in a whirlwind of things-to-do: two class reports were delivered this week; five consecutive classes gave quizzes the other day; editorial work for the school paper; a heap of homework to accomplish over the weekend; pre-final exams commence on Monday… they just seem endless!

Occasionally, times like this would make me wish that I could be a kid again; a carefree preschooler who spends his day playing, eating, watching TV, and lying in bed although not necessarily sleeping. The ‘good old days’ we say. Back when the only schedules I observe were air times of my favorite TV shows and the books I had to read are short and colorful ones. Those days when I could prove my wit by being able to answer “what is your name?” in a complete sentence, count to 20 and sing the first stanza of our national anthem. How truly grateful I’ll be should my parents insist now that I take my afternoon nap everyday and I’m very much willing to be punished if I don’t.

Speaking of childhood, I found this picture of my peers taken in our residence back then…

As you can see, it is evident that I’m the tallest among us. Well, I still am; Champ a little less while Jogu is not so blessed with height.

This is what we look now… (Since Champ moved out from the neighborhood and us a couple of years later, our trio has never been together)

Jogu is my cousin. He’s the eldest among us and a smart kid; a consistent honor student and the first to learn the word ‘philosophy’ at the age of 5 to 7 although I doubt if he knew the meaning in his tender years. And if I remembered it right, he’s the first to learn how to use shampoo. Today, Jogu makes a living as a freelance web developer.

Champ was the rich kid. The first to have a colored TV and a console game called ‘family computer’. I remember that he always used to argue that I am older than Jogu because of my height. Champ had completed his Bachelor in Nursing but had never practiced his profession. He’d worked in a fast food store, a contact center and the last I’ve known was in a hotel.

Me? Uh… I used to be their fan –amazed by Jogu’s bright ideas and envious of Champ’s toys (Damn! Looser!). Honestly I can’t remember any significant role; maybe I’m just the silent follower. Well, I’ve told more than enough about my job and studies in this blog so there’s nothing left to say about that either. Maybe it’s safe to claim that I’m the most sociable who mingle with belong to the famous. Taming the ego, let’s just say I’m the only one diligent enough to blog – period.

1 comment:

Soul Yaoi said...

Ang cute ni Champ, Gen!!

It seems your where the bridge between the two. Laya most likely kahit di halata your the balance beam between them.